• On capacity building we have managed to facilitate over 60 CMEs since 2017 and coordinated the university of Washington, Department of Global Health online courses where over 1000 people have participated so far.
  • On clinical decision making support we have managed to review over 400 cases and feedback given to the facilities. We have also been able to offer technical assistance via phone consultations.
  • On commodity coordination we have recommended over 100 Drug Resistance Tests(DRT) and 72 clients have so far been switched to 3rd line ART regimen.
  • We have also managed to conduct and coordinate the mentorship activities both TWG led and SCASCOs led. Recently we have introduced Sub County Clinical Lead mentors (SCCLMs) to compliment the SCASCOs especially on the mentorship cascade.
Our Impact

Take a Look Our statistics

We have helped and empowered thousands of people living with HIV in the society to ensure equality and opportunity.
500 +
115 +
100 +
920 K
Happy Clients